a My Walk with God - 2005 - (Moulding & testing): May 2005

My Walk with God - 2005 - (Moulding & testing)

A daily record of events that happened in my life or things that were brought to my mind and thus recorded. This site is to help me rememeber events and goals. How I used my time; my walk with God; my perspective in life, friends and family members... This blog also serves as a reflection of myself and what I have been wanting/ struggling with/ yearning for/ my up's and down's of life. Do sit back and walk this journey on how I walk life with FAITH and HONESTY with God.

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Another breakthrough!!!

As I reviewed on what had happened today (28/05), I was really amazed. First, I was teaching Ron tuition, then off to meet my little student, Calvin Koh. Next, bringing Calvin, Chermaine, Chester and their maid to go Children's Church!

I can't believe the excitment in the kids. As I looked back, I was once like them too. Whenever someone says that he/she will bring me out, I'd really look forward to it. Though the level of excitment compared to Calvin Koh's, I really am ashamed of myself. He called me last night. Called again this morning asking me what time will I be there. If I were to count the number of times he called up, it'll be as many as a total of 12 calls during a span of 3 days!!!

Calvin was so exicted when we started to move towards the bus stop, he was literally smiling and running around! Man... What great happiness he displayed! What a joy to see him running, smiling and getting so excited about God. I really want that kind of excitement in him!

When we were on the bus, he was responding to Sister Whye Sum's games! I guess he's really really excited about going to Church... After what I've shared to him about God.

He comes from a family who are buddhist and are vegetarians. He does not know who is God... only Buddha. Nothing against religion... I believe that I am there, teaching him and to be able to bring him to Church, is a plan from God. It's a divine appointment with him and God.

Although I know Chermaine and Chester were not able to understand much of what went on from the start of Children Church till the end, I can still see the smile on Calvin's face. However, when we were on our way out, I noticed something which Chester did. As we were approaching the stage area, Chester, only 4 years old, was stretching out his hand as if he was feeling something... Like a person who was receiving rain in the air and applies it on his face. He did this action for a number of times. I believe he saw and felt something over there. The anonting of God, though I did not know what he was doing.

This is actually the first time I've brought a total of four persons to Church! Besides bringing so many to Church, I am blessed to hear from them that they would like to come Church again!!! GLORY TO GOD!!!

Email me: calvin.othniel@gmail.com

Friday, May 27, 2005

Looking forward

Wow... I'm so glad!!! I've just gotten to the company to sign a appointment letter. What excites me was that the "announcement" of the pay I will get upon confirmation. It's almost twice the amount I get during my 3 months probation time. However, that's not themost exciting part. The most exciting part is that this will be the first full time job for me after such a long time!!!

Although during interview, I have to admit that I was very overwhelmed by the mammoth task that I hav to do. The people that I'll meet etc... Nevertheless, I was more excited to face the challenge and am raring to go!

In just a twinkling of an eye... It'll be wednesday! Then... Woohoo~~~~

Email me: calvin.othniel@gmail.com

Thursday, May 19, 2005

It's not GOOD... It's FANTASTIC!!!

It's been another seven to eight days or so that I've not blogged. I know there are some who are on the look out of what I'm into or what had happened to me.

Here I am, back to my blog. First and foremost, this seven to eight days have been the most exciting and fun days of my life yet...

Actually, for the past couple of days, I went on a journey of faith. It was really interesting and an experience which I'll never forget...

After the previous blog, the windows of heaven opened up for me. I went on an interview with both Lyn and Cynthia, from Manpower services. In the end, Cynthia helped me get an interview with DHL, scheduled on 13th May (Friday the 13th) Then, I received a call from a public listed company and was offered to be interviewed on the 12th May.

I know all these did not happen in a coincidence. In fact, this was the time when Rev Phil came to Church to bring a Word of season into my life. This was the conference which changed my life and my destiny in the future to come too.

It was also in this conference, Rev Phil laid hands on me, I gave my best offering. Even till now, I'm still rather shocked at the total amount given during eight session/ services I attended. Out of the eight services, I gave a total of seven offerings unto God. This was the most percious offerings I had given to God thus far.

God never short change those who loves Him. He's never early nor late. He's always there for us. Fact of the matter was this. Initially, I though the interview with the public listed company was a diaster. I thought I had made a mess out of the interview and they will never call me up anymore. On the other hand, the interview with DHL was the one which I had the most confidence. I thought I would have the job over there...

Honestly, whenever I go for each interview, I would pray before I get interviewed and would commit the entire interview to God after the interview. I am really desperate to get a job and to start earning a living.

On the 17th May, the public listed company's personnel called me up and inform me that I am short-listed for a second interview. This company showed me that they are very effecient and do work when they get to the office. Systematic, is what I would term it...

Shortly in the afternoon, I received a call from Manpower services that I am shortlisted by DHL for a second interview. I tell you, my moral was really high and I was rejoicing with JOY!!! Praising God and was also praying that I would get either one of the jobs. Especially, with DHL.

Both of the companies scheduled me for an interview on the same day, 18th May. Thank God that one is in the late morning while the other was in the evening.

When I was on my way to DHL, I was prayed till I reached the place. I was actually half and hour early for the interview. Moral was high and I was rather confident that I would get the job. Regardless I get the job or not, I thanked God that I was short-listed for both jobs! Not forgetting that I don't even have a local diploma, except that which is of Interior Design and Theology. These diploma, is never relevant to the jobs offered. That alone is a miracle!

I would like to tell everyone here that I was offered the job with DHL but the truth was that I stumbled upon some questions. Also, they were very concerned about my ability to work with them etc... So, yes, I did not get the job at all...

With this news, I was greatly demoralised. I felt the entire world crumbling down. In fact, I did not even want to go for the second interview at all.

I got back home at about 2.30pm and started to worship God and pray. I really did not know what's wrong. I thought everything was going on fine but why is this happening... I did not understand at all. I really did not... I was kind of devasted by the first failure...

Time flew past... 3.30pm approachs as my 4pm appointment with the public listed company drew near. I did what King David did. To ask God if He will give me success. If He will give me success, I'll go. If not, I'll not go...

While I was praying, I did not know what came over me. Time was running out and I went out of house in a hurry. I got a cab down to the company and was slightly earlier than expected.

Soon, the greatest fear came. Fear of failing the second time. I prayed and confessed the word of God. About fifteen minutes later, the Managing Director of the company turned up to meet me. (Before that, the two interviewers who interviewed me last week congratulated me and told me that the Managing Director is a very nice lady. I was feeling very nervous at that time too.)

I spent quite sometime... It seems to be like 30- 40 minutes with the Managing Director in the interviewing room. She asked alot of questions etc... I felt I did not answer well... After the interview, I thought she would tell me the same thing as what the manager of DHL would have told me, "We'll take you into consideration and will call you once we have considered". Instead, she told me, "Wait outside for awhile while I get the HR personnel to talk to you".

My first reaction was... "Am I hired or what? Why talk to the HR personnel again? Am I to go through the interview again?"

Moments later, Mylene (One of the interviewer) turned up and congratulated me. I was really surprised and really glad that I am hired!

Moral of the Story:
When things do not turn up the way that you expect, God will make a way. Even when the Children of Israel came to a dead end with the leading of Moses, God made a way. Indeed, God's way are HIGHER than our ways, His thoughts to our thoughts.

I now understand and know the reason God moved in my heart into giving. God do not need my money at all. What He wants is my attitude, trust and obedience to His words. I really am GRATEFUL unto God!!!

Email me: calvin.othniel@gmail.com

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

The power behind Malachi 3: 10

Malachi 3:10
Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, That there may be food in My house, And try Me now in this," Says the Lord of hosts, "If I will not open for you the windows of heaven And pour out for you such blessing That there will not be room enough to receive it.

This verse is very well known to most of the believers. Today, I would like to testify of this verse and also share what happened in the month of April.

I just received an email from Church. This email is an official receipt indicating how much I had tithed to God for the month. As I check out the email, I felt led to count how much had I given in my tithe for the month of April.

As I began to count the five receipts, I was really surprised and amazed on the amount that I had given via tithings. Tithing is a 10% of my total gross income, aka the "first-fruit" I receive in every "harvest".

I've not been working for the entire month, except for giving private tuitions. However little the amount I've charged for the fees, I've been able to earn about less than $650 per mth.

In early April, I decided to go an extra mile. To give unto God a sacrificial offering. God tested me in the area of finances. I controlled my spendings and did not spend at useless things.

Oh yes, regarding my total tithe, it's not much but it's the obedience toward God's words. I tithe a total of S$130+. If you want to talk about my gross income... I guess it'll not take one to be a rocket scientist to be able to work out the gross income. God is indeed GREAT!

Besides being able to earn more than what my normal income was, I was also able to give offerings to God, pay for some of my own stuffs, pay some bills for my parents, give my parents cash, give to cell group fund, take cab to and fro... buy stuffs for my students etc... Wonderful to be a blesser!!!

God's words truly works and is still alive! God is the same yesterday, today and forever. If you are having a rough patch, being to tithe to God and give Him a sacrificical offering! Amen?

May God Almighty bless you as you follow His commands.

Email me: calvin.othniel@gmail.com

Monday, May 09, 2005

It felt like eternity...

Wow... I just realized that it's been sometime since I last blog in my entries. This one week or so seems like eternity to me... Well, I do hope that I could post some good stuffs here but alas...

Ok, I confess that I went for an interview once again but I failed. I feel really directionless. I ant to do customer service/ admin/ office hour jobs but it seems that its never gonna happen.

Some days back, my younger brother came to me and asked if I'm going to look for a job or at least get myself employed... Next comes the news that my dad felt numbness on the right side of his face... Thenanother failed interview... I misread a SMS sent by my choir IC and she SMSed me to asked which zone am I in etc... My world seems to be falling apart. I really don't understand it... I really don't.

God is really a very interesting Person. Just when I blog this, I felt a voice telling me... Child, if you think you're going through hell, I'm going through it with you too. Remember the story of Job? Job was the richest man in the East but he too, had to face with challenges. Within a day, Job lost everything. His so called friends and those closest to him doubted his faith on God. They even provoked Job to curse God etc... No matter how they provoked Job, Job did not sin against God.

Although my situation is not as bad as Job but I felt that the Lord telling me that He is faithful and Just. Just trust in Him and let Him have His way...


Alright, back to my recordings. Yes! I have completed my Bible reading for the month of April! I'm so glad that I did it again! I'm really glad! I want to be able to read the Bible and complete the bible reading as fast as possible... not for the prize but really am hunger for the Word of God.

What have I been doing for the past couple of days... Let me see... What else can I recall? I remember going for cell groups, watching "Kingdom of Heaven" with a sleepy JJ, went for interview, gave tuition, kept sending and hunting for jobs, watched soccer, played guitar etc...

There were a number of things I learnt and was greatly encouraged when I was in cell. Especially with Sis Jo. Well, I felt that I have gone on to another level of maturity. The past was placed behind me and I was able to talk to her and even gave my help when she needed help in cell. This is one break-through for me.

Secondly, I have been practising on how to hear from God, how to exercise Spiritual gifts etc... It was fun and interesting. God does speak to people even till now...

Thirdly, I felt that I have been praying more and harder than before. I really want to see a breakthrough in my attempts in job hunting. I do want to be more financially stable so as to support my parents, give to building funds, sponsor people to attend Bible School and go for more missions etc... In the nutshell, to be a Blessing to the people around me.

Oh yes... On the 5th of May 2005, Sister Gillian gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Alright... I admit it... I did not see the baby nor saw Sister Gillian but from what I heard, the baby was really long an beautiful.

Yesterday, when she was not around, some of the members missed her and asked where was she. Anyway, I'm glad that I rose up to the occasion to gather the cell and am beginning to do more things for the cell. It's really an honor to be of service to my fellow cell group members and to serve the people around me. I'm really feeling a sense of joy within my heart!

Yes, despite that I am still without a job till now. Yes, despite the fact that everything around me is not looking good. Yes, even it seems at a point that I felt I was in the valley of shadow of death... I feel the joy in my heart! I know... that I will be hired by someone whom I'll be of help and make great contributions to that certain organization. Yes... I just have that feeling... Of success! I know and I know... I don't know when it will happen... but the smell of breakthrough is in the air!!!

I realized that it's true that when one give God a sacrifice of worship and praise, God will hear and move. I went back to the place where I met God... 4years back, when He delivered me from the hands of the enemies. How He gave me the victory over them and they said with their own mouth... Calvin, God is with you... Thank your God that He is with you! Can you imagine the look on the enemies' face?

The feeling was wonderful! Nothing can describe it. I have this feeling once again! God will see me through. All I need is to pray like never before! Be anxious for nothing but in everything, PRAY!!!


Couple of days back, I read something which really provokes my Spirit. In fact, after the Pope died, I have been following ever hard on the prophecies made in time past and found out till date that NOT ONE WORD of that prophecy by that Prophet have failed! The end is drawing very near as Pope Benedict is 78years of age.

I cannot cease what I was doing! I must pray, reach out, serve and do what I can, to raise up a new generation of young people who will be fervent for the Lord. To give everything of me to Him and Him alone!!!


Friends, the time to the end is really drawing very near. Do not waste your time and energy on things which can perish. Why keep sinning since there is a way to be redeemed? Why wait? Can you tell me how you'll lead your life tomorrow? Will you be really certain to tell me that you will be able to live to a certain age?

Life is very unpredictable. Don't be so naive to say that I am still young. I will be safe and sound etc... No one knows what will happen to them unless they know God. Even most, who claims to know God or have a relationship with God does not know what God is doing right now unless they are really that Godly...

Don't wait anymore. Turn your hearts to Jesus. Its not about a religion. I'm serious. God is about relationship. Everyone of us yearns and hungers for relationships and that's why, when one do not know what it is about, they get from a relationship to another worse relationship.

Friends, God will give you peace. God loves you so much that He gave His Son, to die for you and me. He, as God, came and humbled Himself to die for you and me. Who else can give such a love so great? Who else can ie for you and even save your soul from eternal damnation?

Even if there's one soul being saved through this blog, it'll be all worth it. Even if none is saved in the Name of Jesus, I have not been disobedient to His words and what He led me.

May the peace of God be upon you, in Jesus Name.

Email me: calvin.othniel@gmail.com