a My Walk with God - 2005 - (Moulding & testing): The power behind Malachi 3: 10

My Walk with God - 2005 - (Moulding & testing)

A daily record of events that happened in my life or things that were brought to my mind and thus recorded. This site is to help me rememeber events and goals. How I used my time; my walk with God; my perspective in life, friends and family members... This blog also serves as a reflection of myself and what I have been wanting/ struggling with/ yearning for/ my up's and down's of life. Do sit back and walk this journey on how I walk life with FAITH and HONESTY with God.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

The power behind Malachi 3: 10

Malachi 3:10
Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, That there may be food in My house, And try Me now in this," Says the Lord of hosts, "If I will not open for you the windows of heaven And pour out for you such blessing That there will not be room enough to receive it.

This verse is very well known to most of the believers. Today, I would like to testify of this verse and also share what happened in the month of April.

I just received an email from Church. This email is an official receipt indicating how much I had tithed to God for the month. As I check out the email, I felt led to count how much had I given in my tithe for the month of April.

As I began to count the five receipts, I was really surprised and amazed on the amount that I had given via tithings. Tithing is a 10% of my total gross income, aka the "first-fruit" I receive in every "harvest".

I've not been working for the entire month, except for giving private tuitions. However little the amount I've charged for the fees, I've been able to earn about less than $650 per mth.

In early April, I decided to go an extra mile. To give unto God a sacrificial offering. God tested me in the area of finances. I controlled my spendings and did not spend at useless things.

Oh yes, regarding my total tithe, it's not much but it's the obedience toward God's words. I tithe a total of S$130+. If you want to talk about my gross income... I guess it'll not take one to be a rocket scientist to be able to work out the gross income. God is indeed GREAT!

Besides being able to earn more than what my normal income was, I was also able to give offerings to God, pay for some of my own stuffs, pay some bills for my parents, give my parents cash, give to cell group fund, take cab to and fro... buy stuffs for my students etc... Wonderful to be a blesser!!!

God's words truly works and is still alive! God is the same yesterday, today and forever. If you are having a rough patch, being to tithe to God and give Him a sacrificical offering! Amen?

May God Almighty bless you as you follow His commands.

Email me: calvin.othniel@gmail.com


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