a My Walk with God - 2005 - (Moulding & testing): Prayer request to fellow Christians...

My Walk with God - 2005 - (Moulding & testing)

A daily record of events that happened in my life or things that were brought to my mind and thus recorded. This site is to help me rememeber events and goals. How I used my time; my walk with God; my perspective in life, friends and family members... This blog also serves as a reflection of myself and what I have been wanting/ struggling with/ yearning for/ my up's and down's of life. Do sit back and walk this journey on how I walk life with FAITH and HONESTY with God.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Prayer request to fellow Christians...

Of late, I’m not sure what is really going on with my life. Everything around me seems so bizarre. Remember my friend, Sharon? Yes! The lady whom I enjoyed her company and loved to talk to her. I’m rather upset and distressed as she’s not been feeling well for the past one week plus.

Nowadays, I don’t get to talk much to her on the phone as her elder brother cancelled her home line. Worse of all, she lost her Nokia phone in a toilet. As a result of it, she’s not able to use her ear-piece to talk to me whenever I called her.

The radiation of the signal made her unwell and thus, now, we’re not able to talk on the phone as before. Nevertheless, we have been sending phone text to each other more than before. (Even though I do not like to send text message as it’s rather expensive but because of her, it’s ok.)

Last week, when she met with Pastor Ronald, she fainted. She tried to contact me but I was in the restroom, bathing. Thus did not get to hear the phone. When I knew she fainted, I was so worried about her.

When she went to the doctor, he said that she needed rest and would be fine after a good rest. Thus, we began to speak to each other lesser because of her health’s sake.

On Sunday, she was not feeling well but insisted that she wants to attend Church service. Her manager went to fetch her and went to Church with her. Unfortunately, before the service started, she felt very sick and thus, one of her cell group members sent her back.

Today, her cell member brought her to the doctor once again and this time, he did not say that it’s due to fatigue. He took some blood from her and suspected that she might get Typhoid. This sounds rather bad and serious!

She asked if I understood what she is going through. Fact is, although I do not know but I do understand that she’s feeling very depressed and very sad. I know it’s tormenting too. She wants to take care of her mum and have big dreams and vision but now… It’s like the end of the world to her.

I’m at a lost and feeling depressed too. I find that I am indirectly, the cause of her current condition. If it wasn’t the late night chats… These might not have happened. Both of us enjoyed each other’s company and loved to chat with one another. (I did not fabricate this. She told me that herself.)

She’s really worried that she’ll never be the same. She feels that her reflexes, food intake and concentration level is going low. She’s concerned about her health and the things that she wants to do.

She: “I do not want to be like this! I want to recover… Else, who else is going to take care of me?”

Me: I will!

She: silent…

Me: Are you ok? How are you feeling?

She:  Sorry, I am feeling very depressed and low at the moment. Please bear with me…

Me: I understand. Trust God that He will heal you!

She: I have been praying but why is He not doing anything?

She: My threshold for pain or sickness is very low. I get very emotionally needy and vulnerable when I am in a bad state. Bear with me, k?

Me: No problem! I’ll be there for you whenever you need me.

Then later on at about 4am in the morning she texted me:

She: Help! I can’t sleep… Are you asleeped?

Me: Nope. I am still awake. Are you ok?

She: No. Feeling very uncomfortable and have been trying to rest but can’t. I have been trying to sleep for the past 2 hours.

Me: … I’ll be praying for you… (I can’t do anything much but to pray for her. That’s the best way I know how. I can only trust God that she’ll be comforted and have a good rest)

She: I feel very terrible… My body is not able to take it anymore. Help… You said you’ll take care of me… Help me rest…

Really, I can’t do nothing much except to ask that she imagine that I’m playing some songs for her on the guitar OR trying to coax her to rest by giving her pats on the back. Sometime later, she fell asleep…

That was the conversation we had few days back. Today, I found out that she enjoyed my company and enjoyed my company so much so that we ended up spending a lot of time with each other through the phone. Sometimes, even when she feels sleepy…

Am rather worried about her and have been seeking help from people I know. She’s a very good friend of mine! If you’re reading my blog, please I beseech you, please keep her in prayer. I believe that the place of agreement is a place of power. Please pray for her. I do not want to lose a friend like her. Someone whom I enjoy company and talking with, is really difficult for me to find.

Email me: calvin.othniel@gmail.com