a My Walk with God - 2005 - (Moulding & testing): December 2005

My Walk with God - 2005 - (Moulding & testing)

A daily record of events that happened in my life or things that were brought to my mind and thus recorded. This site is to help me rememeber events and goals. How I used my time; my walk with God; my perspective in life, friends and family members... This blog also serves as a reflection of myself and what I have been wanting/ struggling with/ yearning for/ my up's and down's of life. Do sit back and walk this journey on how I walk life with FAITH and HONESTY with God.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

My Christmas 2005

Man, it’s been sometime since I’ve updated my blog. I’m sorry that I’ve yet updated the “latest” updates of myself… Yes, there were many holidays and I have been jobless for a number of days. Although I have not had much money to spend like you but I was really glad to be jobless… (At least during the time of Christmas)

You see, I was so glad that I was able to spend time with my family members during this season. Even though most of the time spent was on sleep, I was glad! This time, I felt really sure that I was enjoying the relationship in my family members and was able to talk much more to them. Of course, I do pray with all my heart and strength that I would be able to reach out to them in a more efficient way!

Oh yes, in case I forgot about this testimonial about the faithfulness of God. All of us, who are Christians, will know that God is ever faithful and never late nor is He ever early. He’s always ON TIME! Amen?

You see, on the 23rd Dec, I wrote a sermon on tithing on a website, to Christians who raised questions regarding tithing. I took a lesson from “Getting Started”, which Pastor Kong wrote, and began to preach about it and expound a little on it. God is faithful! Within 24hours, I had a miracle!

You see, I was jobless for close to 2 weeks and I was wondering where will there be money for me to fulfill my building fund. After writing the sermon back then, I prayed and begun to ask God to do what He had said in His Word in Malachi 3: 10-12.

On the 24th Dec, morning, shortly after I woke up, I met my dad (who was then painting my sister’s room). Upon seeing me, he asked if I am going out later part of the day. I replied “yes” and the next thing I knew, was that he went to the living room to take some cash and passed it over to me.

I was rather surprised in a sense because my dad would never give me more than $100 on a normal day or even on such days. However, when he passed the cash over to me, I was surprised to see that there was $200! (Please note that my dad do not give that amount of money regularly. Unless it is Chinese New Year, if not, he would have never given that amount at all!)

Anyway, I really want to witness and testify of God’s goodness! Surely, whatever He said, will certainly come to pass. Even when it’s a little thing like fulfilling a promise which I have said to Him! If He’s said it, He will make sure that it will certainly come to pass!

Truthfully, I was rather happy that God came true for me. However, when I reached Church (at Expo) I gave a tithe of that $200 but kept the rest. (I should have given to the building fund but do hear me out.)

I kept the money because I do not want to take things for granted. In fact, I was a little afraid that my dad would ask me to return the money when I got home. (I got home at around 1130pm on 24th Dec.) So, it’s just for “safety” reasons.

Oh yes, I also want to share about this! While everyone was out on the streets, celebrating Christmas and doing countdowns, I was at home, fellowshipping with God. It’s the best time given to God.

You see, I was suppose to go for functions and could have even joined R, R, JJ and etc out doing what we did last year but I felt that I ought to stay home to seek the Lord. What is precious to me, is also precious to God. I’m sure that He knows I truly love Him with all I have!

This year’s Christmas drama was pretty great! Aside from the normal Christmas Drama we’ve had for the past couple of years, this year’s theme and story for Christmas was great! I’ve enjoyed myself during this season and am touched by the entire drama! If you want to watch it, you too, can watch Christmas Land 2005 here! Just click Christmas Land 2005 and it’ll show up in your windows Media player.

Last but not least, what did I really want for Christmas? Well, simple, yet hard to get… I want Jesus to increase in my life for Christmas!

Email me: calvin.othniel@gmail.com

Friday, December 23, 2005


Actually, tithing is the thing which I have been doing faithfully. Regardless of what the situation of my life is (be it be in debts/ needed the cash) or whatever, I will pay my tithes to God FIRST!

*Exclaims someone*
WHAT?!?! We MUST tithe? I thought that we are under a New Covenant? Didn't Jesus paid it all for us? DID JESUS SAY we MUST pay our tithe to God? Atrocious! How can this be?

*Me explaining...*
Allow me go go BACK to the Old Testament...

As we all know in the Old Testament, everyone tithes to Abraham, who in turn, brought tithes to Melchizedek, Prince of Salem.

Genesis 14: 18- 20 (NKJV)
18 Then Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine; he was the priest of God Most High. 19 And he blessed him and said: "Blessed be Abram of God Most High, Possessor of heaven and earth; 20 And blessed be God Most High, Who has delivered your enemies into your hand." And he gave him a tithe of all.

Leviticus 27: 30 (New Living translation)
"A tenth of the produce of the land, whether grain or fruit, belongs to the LORD and must be set apart to him as holy.

You may say, "Hey! It's all in the Old Testament. We are now in the New Covenant. What I want to know is, did Jesus mention anything about tithing in the New Testament? Show me! I need PROOF!"

Well...Sad to disappoint you...
Let me show to you what did Jesus say regarding tithing...

In Matthew 23: 23 (New Living Translation)
"How terrible it will be for you teachers of religious law and you Pharisees. Hypocrites! For you are careful to tithe even the tiniest part of your income, but you ignore the important things of the law – justice, mercy, and faith. You should tithe, yes, but you should not leave undone the more important things.

These, in red, are the VERY WORDS of Jesus.

Noticed something? Yes, the Pharisees were COMMENDED by Jesus for tithing. Are you better or worse than a Pharisee? This was the ONE & ONLY thing Jesus APPROVED of them! So, what have we concluded from start till now?

1. Tithing means a tenth OR 10% of your gross income.

So, why 10% or a tenth you may ask. Why not $1 or $50? Why must be 10%?

Simple reason being that not everyone is able to afford $50 and to millionaires, $50 is NOTHING to them at all. God is a fair God, Amen? Which is why, He instituted this 10% to whomever is a believer!
You may argue and say "but I EARNED the money with MY HARD WORK! It's just so NOT FAIR! Since when did God give me the money? In what ways have He contributed to those wages I earned?"

Actually, it's a VALID ground and a GOOD question you've brought up here.

Yes, I agree that we EARN every single cent from our hard work. However who is the One who give you these money? By your own strength, are you able to attain what you have today? Surely there is a possibility that you can but it is God who gives us the power to get wealth, Amen? Which means to say that everything that we have, it all belongs to God.

However, why must God require us to tithe?
This is because God wants us to remember that everything we have, belongs to Him. We brought nothing to earth and surely will not bring anything away from earth too.

Deuteronomy 14: 23 (English Standard Version)
And before the Lord your God, in the place that he will choose, to make his name dwell there, you shall eat the tithe of your grain, of your wine, and of your oil, and the firstborn of your herd and flock, that you may learn to fear the Lord your God always

Friends, if God does not have the FIRST PRIORITY in your finances, He is NEVER first in your life at all. The bible says that where your treasure is, there your heart is also. Therefore, where is your heart? What is inside your heart? If your heart is with the world, then it'll be with the world. However, if your heart is in the Kingdom of God, I would encourage you to tithe because God have given a great challenge and promise to everyone who tithes!

Malachi 3: 10- 12
10 Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, That there may be food in My house, And try Me now in this," Says the Lord of hosts, "If I will not open for you the windows of heaven And pour out for you such blessing That there will not be room enough to receive it. 11 "And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, So that he will not destroy the fruit of your ground, Nor shall the vine fail to bear fruit for you in the field," Says the Lord of hosts; 12 "And all nations will call you blessed, For you will be a delightful land," Says the Lord of hosts.

See that?!?! You don't have to be a rocket scientist for me to tell you what is that challenge. Yes! God challenges each and everyone of you to tithe! I did not, He did. He said that He WILL OPEN up the windows of heaven over our lives when we tithe to Him. What did God say earlier on in the passage of Malachi 3?

Malachi 3: 8- 9
8 "Will a man rob God? Yet you have robbed Me! But you say, 'In what way have we robbed You?' In tithes and offerings. 9 You are cursed with a curse, For you have robbed Me, Even this whole nation.

Therefore my fellow Saints in Christ Jesus,
Do not harden your heart and say that tithing is not a must. Tithing is not for now. God is not a man that He should lie. Whatever He says, will it return to Him void? If you have read the bible at least once, from cover to cover, you'll find that whatever He says, it shall certainly COME TO PASS! Do you want to rob God? Certainly not!

Therefore, what have I been saying all these while?
In conclusion, what have we learnt about tithing?:
1. Tithing means a tenth OR 10% of your gross income.
2. Tithing OPENS UP THE WINDOW OF HEAVEN over my life.

3. Tithing is for NOW!

I'm sure everyone wants to be blessed by God, amen? However, God wants to see how faithful we are. Are we bringing Him what He asked? If we are not faithful with the little things which He ask of us, how can He trust us with TRUE RICHES?

Remember what He said when He was asked about taxes? Jesus said render to Caesar what is Caesar’s and render to God what belongs to God!

Therefore, bring in your tithes and offering to God with a cheerful heart today! He loves a cheerful giver!
So, what do I do now?

a. If you're getting allowances, you should also tithe your allowance to God. If you're taking a daily allowance, make an account and be a faithful steward of God. Always put aside 10% of your allowance and pay your tithe to God at the end of the week.

b. If you're taking your allowances on a weekly basis, pay your tithes by the end of the week.
c. If you're taking monthly wages/ paid/ allowances, pay it by the beginning of the new month.

Finally, your offering and tithe are NOT the same! Offering is something FREE WILL while tithe is a MUST! It's 10% of your TOTAL gross income/ pocket money. When you begin to pay your tithes, I'm sure God is going to bless you greatly!

God will NEVER short-change you! Amen?

Email me: calvin.othniel@gmail.com

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Prayer request to fellow Christians...

Of late, I’m not sure what is really going on with my life. Everything around me seems so bizarre. Remember my friend, Sharon? Yes! The lady whom I enjoyed her company and loved to talk to her. I’m rather upset and distressed as she’s not been feeling well for the past one week plus.

Nowadays, I don’t get to talk much to her on the phone as her elder brother cancelled her home line. Worse of all, she lost her Nokia phone in a toilet. As a result of it, she’s not able to use her ear-piece to talk to me whenever I called her.

The radiation of the signal made her unwell and thus, now, we’re not able to talk on the phone as before. Nevertheless, we have been sending phone text to each other more than before. (Even though I do not like to send text message as it’s rather expensive but because of her, it’s ok.)

Last week, when she met with Pastor Ronald, she fainted. She tried to contact me but I was in the restroom, bathing. Thus did not get to hear the phone. When I knew she fainted, I was so worried about her.

When she went to the doctor, he said that she needed rest and would be fine after a good rest. Thus, we began to speak to each other lesser because of her health’s sake.

On Sunday, she was not feeling well but insisted that she wants to attend Church service. Her manager went to fetch her and went to Church with her. Unfortunately, before the service started, she felt very sick and thus, one of her cell group members sent her back.

Today, her cell member brought her to the doctor once again and this time, he did not say that it’s due to fatigue. He took some blood from her and suspected that she might get Typhoid. This sounds rather bad and serious!

She asked if I understood what she is going through. Fact is, although I do not know but I do understand that she’s feeling very depressed and very sad. I know it’s tormenting too. She wants to take care of her mum and have big dreams and vision but now… It’s like the end of the world to her.

I’m at a lost and feeling depressed too. I find that I am indirectly, the cause of her current condition. If it wasn’t the late night chats… These might not have happened. Both of us enjoyed each other’s company and loved to chat with one another. (I did not fabricate this. She told me that herself.)

She’s really worried that she’ll never be the same. She feels that her reflexes, food intake and concentration level is going low. She’s concerned about her health and the things that she wants to do.

She: “I do not want to be like this! I want to recover… Else, who else is going to take care of me?”

Me: I will!

She: silent…

Me: Are you ok? How are you feeling?

She:  Sorry, I am feeling very depressed and low at the moment. Please bear with me…

Me: I understand. Trust God that He will heal you!

She: I have been praying but why is He not doing anything?

She: My threshold for pain or sickness is very low. I get very emotionally needy and vulnerable when I am in a bad state. Bear with me, k?

Me: No problem! I’ll be there for you whenever you need me.

Then later on at about 4am in the morning she texted me:

She: Help! I can’t sleep… Are you asleeped?

Me: Nope. I am still awake. Are you ok?

She: No. Feeling very uncomfortable and have been trying to rest but can’t. I have been trying to sleep for the past 2 hours.

Me: … I’ll be praying for you… (I can’t do anything much but to pray for her. That’s the best way I know how. I can only trust God that she’ll be comforted and have a good rest)

She: I feel very terrible… My body is not able to take it anymore. Help… You said you’ll take care of me… Help me rest…

Really, I can’t do nothing much except to ask that she imagine that I’m playing some songs for her on the guitar OR trying to coax her to rest by giving her pats on the back. Sometime later, she fell asleep…

That was the conversation we had few days back. Today, I found out that she enjoyed my company and enjoyed my company so much so that we ended up spending a lot of time with each other through the phone. Sometimes, even when she feels sleepy…

Am rather worried about her and have been seeking help from people I know. She’s a very good friend of mine! If you’re reading my blog, please I beseech you, please keep her in prayer. I believe that the place of agreement is a place of power. Please pray for her. I do not want to lose a friend like her. Someone whom I enjoy company and talking with, is really difficult for me to find.

Email me: calvin.othniel@gmail.com

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Waiting on the Lord...

I am really encouraged and uplifted by the message of this year’s Bible School best preacher. The message he preached is really uplifting and encouraging.

First and foremost, I have graduated from Bible School since the year of 2003 and, through God’ grace, went on to the second year in 2004. Once again, though my walk back then was neither that stable nor strong, God helped me through and I graduated from Bible School last year and it’s been exactly a year since I graduated from Bible School.

Since then, I have been looking forward longingly and eagerly to be use mightily by God. I wanted to CONQUER the WORLD for Jesus Christ! I had dreams and visions of wanting to do MIGHTY exploit for the Kingdom of God!

However, since a year ago till now, I met with different challenges in life and had fallen many a times. In the midst of these tough and difficult times, I still experienced God. Even though, there were times when I wanted to give up my walk with God, wanted to escape from things around me, greatly disappointed in things happening in my life and the worse of all is that within a span of six month, I changed a total of 4 jobs! Am going on to find another job fast!

I worked less than a month at my grandfather’s factory, one month with SNP, three months with Philips Electronics and two months or less, with APCCO. Can anyone get more discouraged? This aside, I was facing the challenge of my walk with God, my “status” in cell group and personal struggles. Struggles with low self-esteem, fear of rejection, self-control, anger, security and even faced challenges with my family members… Oh yes, not forgetting my finances and the pressures applied to almost every section of my life. Can anyone get more depressed when they faced these pressures?

Problems hitting hard on me in my personal walk, home, cell group, ministry, career and finances… What can go more wrong?

However, thanks and PRAISE be unto God. That He is faithful and never a man that He should lie! Through the entire year, I have grown to be more mature than before. I learnt to rely on God and be hungrier for Him. I learnt to lean upon His strength and depended on Him more than ever.

As a result of these trials, testing, tough and difficult times, I managed to overcome a problem which I have faced for the past 14 years. A type of bondage which tied me down and one which I longed and desired to forsake! Glory be unto God!

Besides overcoming the bondage and breaking free from it, I am now more confident of my self when speaking to people. I realized that I am able to encourage people greatly and motivate them effectively! I also realized that I am closer to my parents and siblings compared to my “old” self.

I realized that I had that courage to speak out what I feel and really want in life. I also realized that communication is the way of life! I also realized that I need to be secure of who I am and what skills I possess, not get so easily jealous of what others have. I also begin to realize that whatever I have, it all belongs to God and God alone. I have nothing in the world but was given the task to manage my life well, so that I can account to Him.

I also realized that waiting to be used by God is an attitude. My attitude was very lousy and I need to change that! I realized that when I walk a life of purity, God will really speak and reveal things to me.

Yes, life is tough and difficult but in all these things I find something greater and valuable than silver or gold. That is the experience with God!  

The Bible School student was preaching on a simple passage on David facing Goliath. Before David went on to war, he did not take on Saul’s armor or sword. What David took was only a catapult and took five pebbles from the stream of water. What matters most is what I am good at, not what kind of weapons to face an enemy or difficulty.

Training/ Polishing:
The pebbles which David took, was in the stream of running water for years before they were smooth enough for him to use. Just as the pebbles David took, God wants us to be polished in our character, attitude and experience before He could use us effectively. We can be trained to reign with Christ!

Noticed something? When David picked up the pebbles, he did not use the pebbles immediately. What he did was to place them into his pouch. Just as the pebbles were placed into the pouch, God will not use us immediately when we are trained and polished.

Draw close to God:
The pouch is the next closest thing that David had on his body. Just as the pebbles were kept in the pouch, we are to stay close to God and be in His Presence all the time. It’s not only be in the Presence of God when it’s Sunday or service time. It’s all the time!

Inside this pouch of David, there was not only one pebble. There were a total of five pebbles. This speaks of fellowship! There is a need to fellowship with one another, yes, even with cell group members! If there are people who are fellow Bible School students of the same batch, we ought to stay in touch with each other and keep a watch for one another!

God’s timing:
How many pebbles did David use to kill Goliath? Bible says that David used a pebble to kill Goliath. How about the remaining four pebbles? First and foremost, when David used the first pebble, he did not expect to fail or miss the target. Just as God launches a person; either a young man or a woman, He will guide their ways in the journey. It’s not about the destination! The destination is fixed and planned by God! Secondly, the rest of the remaining four pebbles are used for other purposes. Though it may not be used for killing giants, it certainly is used for God’s divine purpose!

Therefore, even though as I look at others and compared them to myself, I find myself a huge failure. I mean, you saw what was written earlier on how my life went for this entire year. It’s really a disaster! However I know that this Word, is given by God! Yes, I may not be a giant slayer pebble but I am definitely in God’s divine plan! Others may go before me but God have a future and hope for me, a plan which will be for the good and not for evil. He is not a man that He should lie for ALL THING WORKS TOGETHER FOR THE GOOD to those who loves Him!

Therefore, if you’re feeling like the whole world’s crumbling on you, I’d encourage you to seek God. The time when you feel least like worshipping or praising God is the time when your prayers are most precious to Him.

Joshua 1: 9
Therefore, be strong and be of very good courage!

Email me: calvin.othniel@gmail.com

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Depression? Confusion? Frustrated? Yeah...

No doubt about it. There is always a price to pay for everything. I’m not being negative about it but I am really speaking sense. Maybe, it’s only on my part. Yes, maybe I am being negative about it.

I shall not relate any of these with the friends which I have. In a sense that I’ll never reveal their names or will I say when I got to know them. Maybe this is just my perspective on friends.

There is a price in every form of friendship. Some of these friendships are really cheap while others, a heavy. Some “price” of these friendships is paid fast while some takes time to really see the results. This speaks of long term investments.

Communication is the basis of every relationship. Without communications, there is no such thing as friends or relationship. This is true in every aspect of life.

Why am I writing on these? Well, simple fact is this. I really do not feel that I have friends. My perspectives of friends are those who will be there for me and those who will care for me. Those friends whom I consider as friends are often treated as my brothers or sisters. However, those who are not my friends, are often, not contacted by me. Those who are not often contacted are known as “floats”, to me.

Alright, I guess I am going to confuse a lot of people and even stumble many people around me. This is because I seldom call out to people at all.

I also realized something about the people whom I treat as friends. They often betray me or that they will never stay for long. What is really wrong? Is there anything wrong with me or that I am not even a friend to be considered as one?

Why do people call me a friend/ brother when I did not even talk to them for much? When I do open myself to them, I get attacked by them? Are feelings meant to be said out or are feelings meant to be kept within heart? What if my heart is like a bottle of champagne? What if pressure builds within my heart and one fine day, I explode and get into a mental stage?

I guess I worry too much... Who are my friends? Who are those who really care about me? Where are they? (Besides my parents) Why do I feel so lost and feel so grieved? Where are the people whom I once talked to and go out with? Am I destined to be along all my life? Am I to be alone all my life? What’s wrong with me? Why do they… shall not ask anymore! I know that no one will answer me at all…

Email me: calvin.othniel@gmail.com

Friday, December 02, 2005

Somebody... Somehow...

It’s simply amazing for the past couple of days! Things simply are happening for me nowadays!

After knowing this friend, Miss Koh, I find that my life’s never been the same! It seems that I’d enjoy sharing and teaching her about what I have learnt rather than sharing with my very own cell members. Maybe I find that I have clips on my “wings”. I do not like to be restricted to doing things, especially to do the things I enjoy! For this instance, teaching the bible!

Anyway, it’s really interesting to be in my current job as I get to meet many people nowadays and that talking to them is not much of a barrier! I just simply hope that someday, I’d be able to preach like how Pastor Kong’s been doing.

The good thing about my job is that there are many people without Christ and there are Christians who are not leading a life of Christian. They cursed and swear; drink and smoke or even do funny things, which a Christian would not do. However, who am I? I have been preaching to a number of people in the team. I do look forward to be able to reach out to them.

It’s really funny and interesting though to be doing what I am doing. People come to me and ask me for my phone number! I mean… I’ve met with this young lady, who happens to be working at the same place as I am supposed to be at, came and asked me for phone number. She’s really young. Nevertheless, it’s her soul that matters. I felt that she needs the gospel but she rejected coming to Church with me this weekend.

I do look forward that she’d come to Church, get to know God and experience the very tangible Presence of God.

Walking with God is indeed a wonderful experience! Let me share something with you… I am beginning to like walking with God. It’s the best experience I’ve ever had in my life! It’s just simply so wonderful.

Can you imagine God telling you things? Like when you’ve done something wrongly, someone tells you and He reveals a deeper truth about your actions? He causes you to recall about the instances you’ve gone through in life. God is interesting, isn’t He?

Now I understand and know what Pastor was saying when he preached about waiting upon God; drawing near to God and etc… It’s really been a pleasure sharing with Miss Koh and talking to her about God. She’s simply a wonderful person, whom I call, a friend!

Sharon Koh, one day, you’ll get to read this blog, I’m sure of it. Nevertheless, I’d like you to know that I’m really thankful to God for a friend like you. No matter what happens in the future, I’d really want you to know that I treasure this relationship with you very much!

Email me: calvin.othniel@gmail.com