a My Walk with God - 2005 - (Moulding & testing): Food for thoughts

My Walk with God - 2005 - (Moulding & testing)

A daily record of events that happened in my life or things that were brought to my mind and thus recorded. This site is to help me rememeber events and goals. How I used my time; my walk with God; my perspective in life, friends and family members... This blog also serves as a reflection of myself and what I have been wanting/ struggling with/ yearning for/ my up's and down's of life. Do sit back and walk this journey on how I walk life with FAITH and HONESTY with God.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Food for thoughts

I really couldn't understand it. Why was I not able to rest at all since yesterday? It all seems like one whole day to me. From the 1st till the 2nd of April... Is there any pranks played on me here?

1st April 05
It was a gloomy and rainy day. I am supposed to go for my physiotheraphy at 2pm but I was late. Alright, no excuse for me. I was plain lazy and did not want to even go for my physio. For the fact that I do not want to waste money...

In the end, I did not know how, I managed to get my feet walking to my door step and off into the streets. It was 1.45pm when I left my place to get a cab down but in the end, I was late. So much for my slackness.

By the time I hailed a cab in the rain, it was about 2:15pm. I called up to the appointment centre to inform them that I will be late... Yeah... too late to say that I'm late... I'm really dumb... :(

When I reached there, I somehow waited for about 15mins before the physiotheraphist came to see me. She made some scarstic remarks on me being late... Oh well, I deserved it...

After the apointment, I called up a couple of friends but, they were either too busy to pick up or that I'll end up hearing the dailing tone. Where are all my friends? I really wonder who will I be going out with later. It seems like another normal day to me until JingJie called me and I asked him out, together with Ron, for a show.

The show was a horror show. The Eye 10. I do not trust that much in those spooky stuffs because the One who is in me, is Greater than he than is in the world. One word from the One, this spooky stuffs will FLEE!

It's a rather dumb show and I really wonder why would people curse another without any causes. It seems very silly but evil for someone to curse someone who never do any harm to another.

The entire show's setting was in Thailand. The show seems demonic but dumb. I don't know how to put it into words but it's really funny at the way they do things. Like people being possessed by Spirits, Spirits coming to hunt people... how to look at those haunted stuffs. It's really in fact, a show which shows why would people be DUMB and idiotic enough to want to see the demonic things of the world. Namely, ghosts and especially, the spiritual world, which they have not even understood the things of the world.

Before the show started, I bought three pair of tops for myself and spent about $100 for it all.

Ok, it's not due to the show that got me wide awake all night. I really don't understand. Why am I filled with so much of energy. I even read the bible throughout the night and am still awake till now. I tried to sleep but could not do it. I was suffering from gastric problems.

2nd April
I felt a little jaded and felt as if my bones were cracking with every movement I made. When I was in Church, I managed to complete my Bible reading! Glory unto God.

When the praise and worship started, I felt different. I felt that my entire being'a relfexes were better and that it seems like a source of energy seem to be emiting from me. I felt a change in my body, a recharging sensation.

I was being prayed for and I really love the Presence of God. Pastor preached a wonderful sermon this week. Once again, well done and I am glad to have such a wonderful pastor and to be serving in the Church he is in.

After service, I went on to give the four new friend bible study. It was really cool but I did not feel any fear within or without of me.I felt very peaceful and shared part of my life with them. All of them seemed rather receptive to what I shared with them, though I did not know what did I say to them... I'm really not thinking much within my mind.

Whislt writing down this blog, I feel dizzy and giddy too. I need to rest... I can't... I have not start on my ranting on what my brother, Pierre, asked me. I'm rather not happy that this question have been put on to me for a couple of times by various people. I'm not complaining or anything but I seek their understanding.

Yes, I am still single but I am looking out for a girlfriend. I have not have one yet is due to the fact that I have not found someone I liked. I'm not being choosy or fuzzy. I know that if I want what I want, God will have what I want of the girl.

Secondly, I'm not stable in my finances. How can I have a girl when I am not able to feed myself with the income I make? How can I make my future wife/ girlfriend suffer with me? My heart is crying out... Can anyone hear? Can anyone understand what I feel and how I am thinking...

So what if I liked a girl? She's either attached, too good for me, not interested in me or that she's too tall for me... Sigh... I just have not found one which pleases me... So please, don't ask me anymore. If I were to have one.... I'll have one... but now, it's not the time yet... :(

Email me: calvin.othniel@gmail.com


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