a My Walk with God - 2005 - (Moulding & testing): A little something different.... God's presence

My Walk with God - 2005 - (Moulding & testing)

A daily record of events that happened in my life or things that were brought to my mind and thus recorded. This site is to help me rememeber events and goals. How I used my time; my walk with God; my perspective in life, friends and family members... This blog also serves as a reflection of myself and what I have been wanting/ struggling with/ yearning for/ my up's and down's of life. Do sit back and walk this journey on how I walk life with FAITH and HONESTY with God.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

A little something different.... God's presence

Today’s happenings are simply too awesome that I really need to record it down. One of the facts was that, despite the fact that I've just had an hour's or so of rest... I was filled with energy throughout the entire day. From the time when I woke up at 3am till even now. The entire experience was simply phenomenal!

After watching the match between Liverpool, Lyon, PSV and Juventus, I actually wanted to fall asleep but somehow, I just couldn’t sleep. I’ve turned and tossed about on my bed, on the couch, my parent’s bed and all, I wasn’t able to fall asleep.

God prompted me to do something which I never regretted doing, which was to pray. I did as I felt led and went on praying. Even though it was a short while, I felt wonderful and more alert after that.

Before I could even try to sleep another time, it soon turned 7am. I got myself off bed and began to prepare for the day. Oh yes, I was supposed to go for the “interview” and see how things goes on in “My Gym”. So, while preparing, I kept on praying. Starting from the start of my parent’s business in the wet market, my family members to the day which I intend to spend my time. Every plan I think I would be having was prayed through. It was a wonderful time praying and talking to God. Especially, with my heart and soul OPENED to Him since yesterday morning’s prayer.

Right from the start of my journey, down to “my gym”, to the arrival of Ubin, Penny and the others was simply cool and wonderful. I noticed something around me too. People started to look at me as if I am some… ermm… strange aliens. Maybe I was perspiring too much but in the work place? Hmmm…

I’ve received three kinds of reactions from the kids at My Gym when they saw me. Reaction one, simply ignored me due to the pleasures of the games and fun they were having. Reaction two; they were too afraid of my presence and some of them even cried while playing, for nothing. They did not get hurt nor did anyone fight with them. None fell and injured themselves. The third kind, stuck to me like super glue. It was so hard to get them to go home!

Before I knew it, it was time for lunch. I was famished! So were the rest of the guys. Lunch with them was good and I got to know something about them too. They are real nice people with a great attitude.

After lunch, Ubin told me that I am free to leave as he did not want to tire me out. As such, I left earlier than planned, met up with JJ and Ron for a show. It has been sometime since I last saw them. I really wonder if they will be glad to see me, though I still feel rather weak in the body.

It was a wonderful time spent and it was great to have them to be my friends and brothers. I really want them to excel in their studies and do appreciate them deeply.

Just not too long ago, Ron told me in MSN that he felt God’s presence upon me when he saw me. He felt down but when he saw me, he felt refreshed and energized. I was really glad! I mean, I’m still glad right now! God’s presence upon me is one thing. For the presence of God to be felt by another person and by having God’s presence upon me, touching other’s lives is something which I’ve never imagined myself to have done, though I have that desire before.

Now I understand what was happening to me throughout the day. Prayer and a close relationship with God are important, especially when I am so hungry for Him! I felt that I have given Him the FULL reign of my life.

Yes, though I may still have weaknesses and flaws within me, it does not matter. God is not looking for flaws within us but a heart that’s after Him. A heart that’s willing to YIELD to Him!

I’m so GLAD! I’m so GLAD and I’m SO GLAD that His Presence is UPON ME!!!

Now I understand what it meant when Moses was on the Mountain with God 40days and nightsand how his face SHONE when he came down from the Mountain. God's GLORY and Presence was UPON me today!!! Hallelujah!!!

The JOY of the Lordis MY STRENGTH!!!

Email me: calvin.othniel@gmail.com


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