a My Walk with God - 2005 - (Moulding & testing): Marriage... Service with... sigh...

My Walk with God - 2005 - (Moulding & testing)

A daily record of events that happened in my life or things that were brought to my mind and thus recorded. This site is to help me rememeber events and goals. How I used my time; my walk with God; my perspective in life, friends and family members... This blog also serves as a reflection of myself and what I have been wanting/ struggling with/ yearning for/ my up's and down's of life. Do sit back and walk this journey on how I walk life with FAITH and HONESTY with God.

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Marriage... Service with... sigh...

Haha... I am not the one married. I'm still single and available. It's my ex-classmate cum Church friend, Charlie's big day! I'm so glad that someone is getting married. Due to this excitement, I wasn't able to get to rest and also due to the things which were in my mind.

Anyway, I woke up rather late but good thing was that I was able to get to Alice's (Charlie's bride) place on time. It was really fun when we were going through the custom of getting the bride. The guy have to be accompained by his friends/ buddies to go to the bride's place to be "challenged" by her friends/ sisters. It was a time where the groom would be tested on how important the bride is and how much she's worth and how much he would be willing to do for her.

Over there, we spent about an hour, trying to convience the girls to let the groom get his bride and let them be together. Man, Charlie was really teased to the core. From singing aloud in the HDB estate, till everyone around the block popped out their heads to find out whats wrong to drinking of disgusting stuffs to eating funny stuffs, to getting drinks from neighbours to "paying" our way in to help Charlie get his bride. It was disgusting but it's fun to see such things happening even now.

When we reached Church, I became the videoman, in charge of fliming the entire process. Mervynn was supposed to be the videoman but as he needed to play the guitar for Charlie, I took over. Vincent, took over my duties by taking charge of the food and beverage. I really am grateful and thankful for such a wonderful brother in both Vincent Teo and Mervynn Lim. They are what I call, buddies and good pals!

Service with Sy
The entire service with Sy Rogers was really wonderful. At first, I was feeling very down due to the troubles at home and what happened these couple of weeks. Rev Sy Rogers spoke on "Keep on, keeping on". Sy Rogers is an Americian. He was once a gay who almost became a woman more than twenty years back. I really admire him and his courage. Most of all, I really admire the way he spoke and the eloquence he posses. Its really amazing!!!

He used alot of illustrations in the service. He used the illustration on silver and gold under-going through the process of being pure and perfect. There were many other illustrations he used but the most vivid and memorable one was the final one. The one which he shared on a figure angel which his daughter had many years back.

He shared that his daughter once had a angel figure which was fragile but beautiful. In order that the angel would not "die prematurely" he placed it up on a shelf beyond the reach of his daughter.

So one rainy day, his daughter and him was playing around in the house. As a young girl, his daughter was unlike those little girls. She was rather naugthy and boyish. She'd wrestle with him and even "fight" him till he's bruised.

On that day, she was chasing him in and out of the room till he came to a dead end. His daughter prepared herself, ready to fight with Rev Sy. So it was, when she made her move, he tried to escape but in the process of escaping, he accidently knocked the angel off the shelf and it smashed onto the ground.

Both his daughter and himself tried to save the angel but their efforts were wasted. Instead of crying upon seeing her favourite angel smashed beyong recognition, she told dad to use glue to paste it back.

So, Sy tried his very best to stick the angel back to its original state but ended up with a mosaic product. When he presented to his daughter, he apologised to her and wanted to give her his credit card to get whatever she wants. Instead of crying and making noise on the imperfection of the angel figurine, she made a very profound statement for a young girl age five.

She said to her dad. Although this firgure is not perfect, it does not matter. What matters is that she still love it regardless of its state.

See my friend, what Rev Sy wants to convey is this. Regardless who we are and what have we become. Christians who have sinned against God on purpose or not, God still loves us no matter what. God loves everyone; even the none sinners too. However, how can God help you when you do not trust Him? Its like how do you trust your mobile phone that it'll always get through when you are in emergency if you do not even want to have a mobile phone.

No matter who we are, straight, gay or even sinners, God still loves us and have sent His One and Only Beloved Son, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, to die for us, on the cross of Calvary. If He, being God, have humbled Himself to live as a man, which He need not, come for us, sinners. How much God have felt for us. How His heart bleeds whenever you reject Him over and over again?

Upon hearing this wonderful message from Sy, I felt so touched and glad. Even if my earthly father had let me down and have hurt me so much. I am glad that I still have a Heavenly Father in heaven who loves me and I have a huge family which loves me too.

I really am grateful and thankful to God for all that He's done. Easter's in a week's time. I can't forget the scene which I saw through Passion of Christ last year. It's very fresh and vivid in my mind. Last but not least, I still remember how I was saved in 1999 and every single event that went pass...

Father God, I love You. Come and fill me with Your love and peace. Give me directions in life so that I'll not be lost. Show me where to go, so that I can have a career that will have good prospect and that I'll shine over there as well as in my family. It's never by might nor by power that I'll be able to do what I am doing. It's by Your Holy Spirit that I am able to do the things I am doing.

I want to pledge my love and everything of me, into Your mighty hands. Come Holy Spirit, fill me and make me whole once again. I pray, in Jesus' name. Amen.

Email me: calvin.othniel@gmail.com


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