a My Walk with God - 2005 - (Moulding & testing): God... Is WONDERFUL!!!

My Walk with God - 2005 - (Moulding & testing)

A daily record of events that happened in my life or things that were brought to my mind and thus recorded. This site is to help me rememeber events and goals. How I used my time; my walk with God; my perspective in life, friends and family members... This blog also serves as a reflection of myself and what I have been wanting/ struggling with/ yearning for/ my up's and down's of life. Do sit back and walk this journey on how I walk life with FAITH and HONESTY with God.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

God... Is WONDERFUL!!!

I’ve gotten to know this Sister from Friendster a couple of days ago. She is from Church and it’s been a pleasure to be able to know her.

After meeting her for the first time, she gave me an impression that she’s very generous and very nice! I can’t believe it! She really blew my mind off! She bought 15 books for her cell group members as she felt God asked her to do so! Obediently, she bought the books (I helped her in the choosing of books). What happened after she bought the books was really amazing! It also shows to me that God is real and that He rewards! It’s His desire to see His people live in prosperity!

After watching a show with her, we chatted on MSN. She emailed her testimony of what had happened in her life and I tell you, she is one strong woman! I’ve never seen anyone who is able to handle the situations she did. I’ve heard of people who trust God but have not seen someone, at such closeness.

She left God sometime back and has not been attending Church for years. During these years without God, she has been losing businesses, money etc... In the end, she’s left with $1.34 in her bank account. For some reason, she began to remember God.

Felt led, she turned on her internet and began to surf the City Harvest’s website and clicked on the “live” service which was going on then. While the Pastor was challenging, she felt a voice telling her to check her account. (It has been sometime that she’s not had proper meals and has been surviving plainly upon bread. Knowing of how much she had, she initially did not want to go check but felt that she’ll do it anyway). She discovered that there was an additional $20 in her bank and began to ponder what to do with the $21.34 in her bank.

Upon hearing the message the Pastor was sharing, she felt challenged and sowed the $20 in tears, though she had the choice to choose what to do with the $21.34. She sow the entire $20 to the Church and was stunned as she began to come to mind that she’s not been having proper meals for the past couple of weeks.

However, something happened! After she sowed the $20, on the third day, her friend called her up and informed her that someone wanted to get some work done and referred the job to her. The offer was amazing! It was a $4000 job offer for a website design. God came true to her!

Before she could start with the project, another project came in. This time, another $4000 job offer! Before she could even end the first job offer, a third job offer came in. All these happened three days after she gave her all to God.

Right now, she’s living a life of abundance and trusts God fully. I’m so glad for her and so amazed of how God came true for her. Deep within my heart, I was thinking “God, when is my turn? I need a breakthrough too. I am also in debts too and need You to come through in my life too as I want to fulfill the building fund as well”

That happened about two months ago! Glory to God!

Something happened after she bought books for her cell group members. The shares which she bought went up! The share has been stagnant for sometime and has not been doing well too. However, after she bought the books for her members, she made a need profit of S$5000! How neat is that???

God is indeed a good God. He never short changes those who love Him.

I am really glad to know a friend like her and am glad that God came true for her. I’m sure my breakthrough is on the way to me!

Email me: calvin.othniel@gmail.com