a My Walk with God - 2005 - (Moulding & testing): FREE!!! Freed from bondage

My Walk with God - 2005 - (Moulding & testing)

A daily record of events that happened in my life or things that were brought to my mind and thus recorded. This site is to help me rememeber events and goals. How I used my time; my walk with God; my perspective in life, friends and family members... This blog also serves as a reflection of myself and what I have been wanting/ struggling with/ yearning for/ my up's and down's of life. Do sit back and walk this journey on how I walk life with FAITH and HONESTY with God.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

FREE!!! Freed from bondage

Finally, I find release in forgiving one person whom I once respected and was grateful of but found that he was actually not practicing what he preached. Ok, it’s human to do that and I often do that too. Maybe I was too harsh on him in this area and I need to repent.

I’ve actually had a talk with him 15minutes before 5:30pm (my official knock off time) but it dragged on to about 6:30pm. As usual, he would have nagged on and on but this time, I’m the only one whom he’s talking to.

Normally, before the incident happened, I would listen attentively to his words but somehow he lost my respect towards him. It was so bad that I in a way, hated him and disliked him.

Initially, he wanted to speak to me on the 22nd September but I had to rush for prayer meeting with Rodney, Charis, Karen and Ron. Therefore, I rejected him flatly. He asked me to stay back to talk to him again but I was not available because I had to attend cell group as well as service on both Friday and Saturdays. However, he managed to get me to stay 15mins before work ends for the day.

Alright, let’s talk about the conversation I’ve had with him. Actually, it opens up my perspective on certain areas which I think I am right but was wrong. What I thought I did right, was actually dangerous for me as it could jeopardize my career any moment. It’s due to my inexperience. I ought to keep my eyes open to spot things around me.

However, at the end of the day, I confessed to him that I’ve not been treating him with the best attitude I could gather whenever he talk after that incident and I apologized to him for not honoring him.

It’s not about the things I’ve learnt in life but it’s the attitude that I have towards people. I kind of have an expectation towards someone whenever I know they are so and so. However, what I fail to spot is my own “blind spot”. Bible says that I ought to love one another and judge not or the same judgment will be placed upon my own. I ought to not look into the face of others and tell them that they have a plank in their eyes. Which means to say that I ought to over look other’s fault instead of pin-pointing other’s fault. Now I have something to say. I do not pinpoint others (if I did, I apologize) but if they want to pinpoint me, I’ll pinpoint them too. In as much as I want, I’d not want to judge nor pinpoint others.

Anyway am rather relieved that I did release him out of my life. Next, is my dad, who sided with my sister because they are all smoker. Please know that I am not against smokers but against those who smoke even when there are none smokers around. It’s so selfish and irresponsible of them. We share the same air around and why should they have the right to pollute the air when they are the ones who are making the air quality bad? Also, why should we get out of their ways when they are the ones who should disappear as they are harming the health of others? Ridiculous!

Anyway, as a result of what my dad did, I did in response of what he wants. For now, I’ll ignore him and not talk much to him at all. Why that extreme? See, my mum was having some problems with her nose. My sister who IS a NURSE, for goodness sake, SMOKES! (Can the government pass a law over health care personals and government sectors that they ought not to smoke?)

She was the one, happily smoking away, while I took out my air-freshener, to tell her to stop smoking. She was asking my mum if my mum was ok as my mum told her that she’s having nose block for a couple of days. Worried that she might get some “smoke” related sickness, I told them off. However, they were so blind not to see what I am doing OR was I so uncertain in the things I do that I did not convey a right message OR that I’ve been too presuming? Nevertheless, what’s done is done. Right now, when they smoke, they did a “better” action. They go to the window! (How clever! That’s where the flow of air comes into the living room) Where’s “Common sense”? Or am I expecting too much, out of a nurse?

Email me: calvin.othniel@gmail.com