a My Walk with God - 2005 - (Moulding & testing): End of another chapter… BUT

My Walk with God - 2005 - (Moulding & testing)

A daily record of events that happened in my life or things that were brought to my mind and thus recorded. This site is to help me rememeber events and goals. How I used my time; my walk with God; my perspective in life, friends and family members... This blog also serves as a reflection of myself and what I have been wanting/ struggling with/ yearning for/ my up's and down's of life. Do sit back and walk this journey on how I walk life with FAITH and HONESTY with God.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

End of another chapter… BUT

I really did not want to write much about this as I am not proud of this matter at all. Nonetheless, I am sad to announce that I have ended my time with Philips just last week.

I am sad because I seem to be unable to hold on to any jobs at all. I feel so discouraged and so lousy. It seems that I am not even capable of doing things properly. However, after talking to some of the colleagues, I was encouraged as they said that they enjoyed working with me while I was there. Thank God for them.

I have this to confess… Yes, I did once felt that I did not find any form of breakthroughs over there and I felt that there’s no future in that place. I felt sad that I left, mainly is because I was kind of comfortable over there as I was able to surf the net, go on MSN, play games and even update my blog from time to time.

Maybe, this is a good change for me. That, I’m not sure but I trust that God knows what’s best for me!

Before I left the job, I went for a couple of interviews. In fact, I went for two interviews. One was with an agency (I went with Jane on the 29th Sept) while the other, was with a company named Vision X (Interview was on 28th Sept).

Minutes before Jane called up to talk to me on the 30th of Sept, I received a call from Chris. He informed that I’ve been selected for the job and asked when I could start work. I told him that I am only free on Thursday 6th Oct and he was ok with it.

Moments after he hung up, Jane called up to inform me that she’d be going off to Thailand with Leon, her boyfriend. When I told her of the news, she was surprised at how God worked in my life and was greatly encouraged by the works of God. All that I have been telling her about was not in vain. Indeed, God is doing a work in my life and He will never let those who trust in Him be ashamed.

I could remember the excitement of my beloved friend Jane. She sounds so happy for me when I broke the news that I’ve found another job even before I left Philips. I felt so glad, because, finally, someone was there when I was happy! Finally, I am not treated that I am being boastful but really sharing my joy with another friend.

(I have been treated as a proud person whenever I had good results during my Secondary School days and since then I’ve not been going around, sharing my joy with others. Instead, I went around hiding myself instead of sharing that joy. Actually, with friends like these who’d rather that you did not do well, I’d rather not have them. Who needs a friend who discourages you? What I’d really want is someone who’d share my joy and tears. Is that really that hard? Seems so to me…)

At the end, I really thank God for His faithfulness. He really answers prayers. He is NEVER LATE nor is He ever early. He is always in time!

When we honor God, He will surely honor us back. He came true for me. I am sure He will come true for you too! Trust in God!

Email me: calvin.othniel@gmail.com