a My Walk with God - 2005 - (Moulding & testing): Hand of God in life!

My Walk with God - 2005 - (Moulding & testing)

A daily record of events that happened in my life or things that were brought to my mind and thus recorded. This site is to help me rememeber events and goals. How I used my time; my walk with God; my perspective in life, friends and family members... This blog also serves as a reflection of myself and what I have been wanting/ struggling with/ yearning for/ my up's and down's of life. Do sit back and walk this journey on how I walk life with FAITH and HONESTY with God.

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Hand of God in life!

WOW! I had a wonderful experience with God today! I’m really excited and was stirred within my soul once again.

This week, is a time to “clean” the lives of each and every one of us. I remembered in the year 2002, when I came back to God, I was set free from demonic oppressions and from then, I went on to bible school in the year 2003 and have not backslidden from that day on till now. Yes, there were times I fell into temptations gave into my flesh, was slack etc but I never left God that day till now. I do hope that I’d never fall away from God forever!

I was particularly happy today because I felt the real Presence of God! When Rev Mike was praying for us to get delivered, I went out too. While responding to the altar call, I felt that I should pray for those who want to receive prayers. Therefore, I prayed for Ron, who, also responded to the altar call.

When praying for Ron, I felt both my hands heated up. I felt electricity on my pair of hands and when I laid it upon Ron, my pair of hand felt as if it was on fire! It was really unforgettable!

I laid hands upon a few people and I believe that they are delivered by God, by faith! Amen!

Anyway, I was really glad that I able to serve God in such a way and that nothing is within me. I am glad, not because I have nothing within me but that I was able to experience God in such a manner and to be used by Him! Glory to God!

Email me: calvin.othniel@gmail.com


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