a My Walk with God - 2005 - (Moulding & testing): I'll get KNOCKED down...

My Walk with God - 2005 - (Moulding & testing)

A daily record of events that happened in my life or things that were brought to my mind and thus recorded. This site is to help me rememeber events and goals. How I used my time; my walk with God; my perspective in life, friends and family members... This blog also serves as a reflection of myself and what I have been wanting/ struggling with/ yearning for/ my up's and down's of life. Do sit back and walk this journey on how I walk life with FAITH and HONESTY with God.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

I'll get KNOCKED down...

Well... After the series of events which happened to me for the last couple of days, I seriously almost got into depression. I'm not sure why but WeiMay came into my mind when I was talking to one of my IRC friend.

WeiMay, if you ever read this blog, I really want to thank you for being such a wonderful friend to me. When I was down and out last year, you stood by me and gave me support. You'll always be in my mind no matter where you are. I do miss you but I know that you're in Australia to futher your studies. I'd be praying for you, always.

I'm very gald and thankful towards God for giving me friends when I'm down. He is always there for me. Yup! Just when I was down, He reminded me of the flash clips which I referred to in my previous entry and I was greatly encouraged!

God is really true and faithful! He is my help in times of need. When I was down, He's there for me and to support me, without me knowing.

Sometimes I really marvel upon what our mind thinks. We may think that everything's over. All is gone. We may think that so-and-so sinned against God therefore lost this and that. God is no longer with so-and-so etc... We get so engrossed with our "pity-party" that we forgot about Someone Who is Great and MIGHTY! Someone who Created all Heavens and Earth. We neglected Him the most but He is always faithful and just towards us! He's been looking after us no matter what we did in our lives which hurt Him.

God is really GREAT! He is really wonder. Just when I thought things are falling... He turned things around for me. Yes, He TURNED MY MOURNINGS INTO DANCING!!! Indeed He is GREAT AND WONDERFUL!

Remember that I said I was terminated from SNP as a customer service executive? Well, I really thank God that I left that place because I don't want to feel so grieved and so aweful during my stay there. Especially after that CheeLeong took over that department. I've nothing against him now that it's all gone. I forgive him and if I ever meet him again, I'd thank him!

My dearest brothers, sisters in Christ and friends, I really thank you for all your prayers and for standing by my side when I was down. God is really faithful and just. The effective prayer of a righteous person avails MUCH to God. God have answered our prayers!!! I have found a job!!!

A miracle, right? Who would have thought what God have in plan for me? Who would have known what God wills for me but Himself? He provided me with another job!!! Glory to Him!!!

Though the pay is not as good as what SNP paid me but they are better than SNP because SNP don't pay overtime pay. While the company which I'll work at, WILL pay overtime pay! Which is very good! (A labourer is worthy of his wages)

Anyay, yes, I'll get knocked down by those who wants me to go down but my God WILL HELP in times of NEED! Who would have guessed? That God will deliever me out of the situation so fast? Within three days!!! I'll be working at a totally new place tomorrow. Best of all... I'll be working with my buddy! Fellow bible school classmate!!! Together... we will FIGHT A GOOD FIGHT OF FAITH!!!

Yes, I'll get knocked down... BUT I GET UP AGAIN, STRONGER and BETTER!!!

Email me: calvin.othniel@gmail.com


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