a My Walk with God - 2005 - (Moulding & testing): Chain of events

My Walk with God - 2005 - (Moulding & testing)

A daily record of events that happened in my life or things that were brought to my mind and thus recorded. This site is to help me rememeber events and goals. How I used my time; my walk with God; my perspective in life, friends and family members... This blog also serves as a reflection of myself and what I have been wanting/ struggling with/ yearning for/ my up's and down's of life. Do sit back and walk this journey on how I walk life with FAITH and HONESTY with God.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Chain of events

Sorry for not updating my blog for the past couple of days. Had been busy for the past couple of days and as a result, wasn’t able to update as much as I want. Anyway, there wasn’t any much of an updates except that I do feel rather drained and worn out.

Within a period of less than a week, I was able to catch up with the things going on in the company. Initially, I was rather confused and overwhelmed by the crowds and the things needed to do. I’m sure that I’ll be able to catch up, slowly but surely!

Something happened within these days. Actually, Lady V called up. Yes, I admit that I was really happy when she called but I controlled myself so as to prevent myself from being disappointed again.

Sometimes, putting too much hope on something or someone really drains me and disappoints me deeply. I don’t know how things will be. Anyway, I tried to call her earlier on but she did not pick up her phone. I do hope that she’s doing well.

You see, she wasn’t feeling well the past couple of days. Initially, I thought that she was avoiding me. (Am I really that scary??? Oh well, that’s the reason she gave to me. I guess I have to believe her even when I do have some of my doubts.)

Later on at 1430hrs, she’s scheduled for an interview with my company. I really worry about her because she is still not feeling well. I hope and pray that she’s going to be fine and that God will heal her. Yes, of course I’d want her to get the job with the company but the rest is up to her.

When I was on my way to work, I was reading some of the devotions Pastor Kong wrote. It was indeed a blessing to me - "Prayer changes nations". When I was reading the devotion prepared by Pastor Kong, I was reminded of how he prayed and how he hungry and thirst for God for a revival in Singapore.

In remembered how Pastor Kong and those pioneers shared on what happened and how things went on through prayers. How City Harvest started from a humble beginning to what it is today. It’s not by luck at all. It’s all through prayers, fasting and a lot of hard work. Things never fall into place just like that. Everything happens through careful planning, not what others say as sheer luck. Craps!

Anyway, Lady V turned up for the interview. I hope she'll get the job. Don't know why, just seems that she's hiding something from me. Just couldn't figure out what. Anyway, I do hope that she'll get the job.

After the entire interview, I asked Vincent about the chances of Lady V getting the job. It seems that it's very possible but it'll be a different job scope from mine.

During cell, Lady V called me thrice. Actually was wondering what was going on. (Seems to me that she'll look for me ONLY when she's IN NEED of HELP!) Anyway, shall not judge her this way. Guess she might not be even interested in being friends at all. (Yes, I am those sensitive person and I do not wish to impose myself upon anyone at all)

Oh well, why do I get these impressions? Simple! She called me up to tell me that she's been offered another job with SPH. She just want better money, what lame excuses to say that she wants to work together with me. Seriously, I'm speechless and have really given up on this person. Regardless whoever she'll be... Even as a friend, I've given up on her. No point having friends who does not even treats me as one...

If she ever reads what I've recorded, I've one thing to say to her. Val, I'm disappointed in you. Rather, I think I've placed too much of a hope or expectations from you.

Email me: calvin.othniel@gmail.com


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