a My Walk with God - 2005 - (Moulding & testing): Saturday service with Rev Ulf and revelations...

My Walk with God - 2005 - (Moulding & testing)

A daily record of events that happened in my life or things that were brought to my mind and thus recorded. This site is to help me rememeber events and goals. How I used my time; my walk with God; my perspective in life, friends and family members... This blog also serves as a reflection of myself and what I have been wanting/ struggling with/ yearning for/ my up's and down's of life. Do sit back and walk this journey on how I walk life with FAITH and HONESTY with God.

Saturday, February 26, 2005

Saturday service with Rev Ulf and revelations...

This was the third day without the cast on my right leg. Well, it still feels funny though but I guess it’s normal to feel this way, as I have not been using m right leg for 6 whole weeks. The size of my shin area seems to have shrunk quite a little. The scar, made from the operation knife by the surgeon seems to have reddened and I hope that it’s a good sign.

Ron came and we have tuition again. As usual, he was late for the tuition but this time, he was late by an hour. I really wonder what is going to happen in future if it gets on like this. I was especially frustrated because Pastor Kenneth Copeland was to preach in my service (Service Two) and it is expected that there will be plenty of people, especially the youths who will arrive early to queue for the service.

It was about 1pm when the tuition ended. He left and we met up again at about 1:30pm. Man, he is late again. Maybe the time given to him was far too fast. After meeting him, we took a cab down to Serangoon NEL station to meet up with JingJie, Benjamin, Alicia and Andy.

When we reached Church, it was about 3:20pm. Well, I was really astonished, well, not so astonished to see that many people, hungry for the Word of God. Some even arrived Church at about 2:30pm, specially to queue up for the service. Considering that from 11am onwards, there were practices for the Children’s Church ministry’s Backup Vocals as well as Children’s Church, which is at 2:30pm. They are really youths who are hungry and thirsty for God!

All of us went to join the queue and was really perspiring like mad when we got into the main auditorium. This wait was not a bad wait. It was worthwhile as we managed to get seats while there were some who don’t even get to get into the main auditorium. Really thanked God that not only was I able to get a seat but also gotten about 10 members to seat at the same row together.

Before the service started, there was a prayer meeting. When Pastor asked us to pray for the service with Rev Ulf, I still thought that Pastor Kenneth Copeland was gonna preach in the service as notified in the bulletin the present week. Therefore, when Pastor asked us to pray for the service with Rev Ulf, I prayed for Pastor Copeland instead. This is pretty embarrassing as I was praying together with Qi Wei and Jasmine.

In service two, Pastor preached about the calling of God. Our calling from God is Holy and this calling is not only just to ministry but into Salvation. It’s when we were first saved that we received a calling to be saved. After salvation, we are brought into Sanctification, where we grow more and more into the likeness of Christ.

When handled the calling of God, we are not to take this calling for granted. We are to have self-control and discipline to handle, that, which is given unto us by God. Of course, God have given us the free will choice to either use what He’s given or not to. He’s a generous God and will not force anyone to do anything.

Calling is a sense of destiny/ purpose for a person.
What is the difference between a Cod and a Salmon fish? Yes, they are fishes but there is a difference in the two spices of fishes. Cod is a very huge BUT SLACK fish. It will laze around and be in it’s comfort zone, refusing to do anything. It’s just like many Christians. Who are always sitting at home/ service, doing things only when they are comfortable with or doing things when they find it convenient.

As for a Salmon fish, if you’ve been to where it’s been breed, you’ll find that this fish will always go to a higher ground. They will go against all odds to go to a higher place in life. They do not only “fight” when they are young/ when they have energy. They always strive to go to a higher stream, against the currents. This speaks of those who have a calling in life and they fight for it. They are Christians who are WILLING to BEAR the CROSS of Jesus.

As we look into the Old Testaments, from Genesis all the way to Malachi, you’ll notice something. God never uses those who are perfect or talented. God always uses those who are imperfect, have little or no talents. When these imperfect and none talented people avails themselves to God, God uses them mightily.

Calling of God is not only Holy but also precious and valuable. Let’s look at some of those who lived up to their callings in life despite of the situations around their lives. Let’s look from the bible’s aspect.

Joseph was the second last son of Jacob. He lived up to his calling in life. Though he was a dreamer, he did not dream for the sake of dreaming. He dreamt and trusted in God. When Joseph told his brothers that one day, his brothers and parents would bow down before him, his brothers would bow down before him. They were upset! Instead of encouraging them, they were upset with him. His brothers even plotted to murder him but he was sold off into Egypt instead.

While in Egypt serving in Egypt as a slave, he stayed faithful and prospered in all that he did and was placed to take charge of his master’s belongings. However, the mistress lusted after him, trying to seduce him but failed. He did not give in to her and she in turn accused him of wanting to force himself on her. This event cause Joseph to be placed behind bars for a period of time.

As you read on about Joseph, he did great and mighty things for the Lord. Even when he was behind bars, he was trusted by the Jailer and was made deputy of the jailer. After a series of events, he rose to become the Prime Minister of Egypt and helped made Egypt one of the most powerful nations then.

Esau and Jacob:
From this pair of twins, we can also learn a great deal about the importance of calling and also to recognize that our calling is important! Esau, for a pot of stew meat, sold his birth right to Jacob, his younger brother. Esau gave up his calling of God for the calling of the world. In the end, it’s written in the bible that God despised Esau but He loved Jacob.

He was supposed to b
Elisha’s servant/ Second In Charge: Gehazi
e the next in line for Elisha, to carry on the ministry of Elisha. He could have had a great ministry if he had not pursued for wealth. Gehazi went for the world and lusted for money. As a result, he became a leper.

Elijah, on the other hand, was an unknown person before the fall of Gehazi. Gehazi’s heart was not right before God. However, Elijah was hungry and thirsty for God. He was also serving God and his heart was right before the Lord.

Satan would never serve others. He wants other to serve him. That is why he led a third of the angels of heaven into rebellion against God. On the other hand, Jesus is not here to be served but to serve. Therefore, we ought to be serving in our ministry/ calling before proceeding onto other works.

When we are serving, we ought to remember that we are serving because of the attention or recognition we get but doing what we are supposed to do. Another thing to remember in mind is that, whenever God wants us to deliver something, he will open up ways and create chances for us.

In conclusion, it all goes to our motives. The points learnt are:
1. We are given the choices to go the right paths (Matthew 7; the broad way or the narrow paths) “Others may do it but I can’t and I refuse to “
2. Who am I going to walk with in order to walk that path?
IE: Environment/ Influence
Four Rights:
Right friends
Right Influence
Right revelation from God
Right leader/leaders we follow.

Wow, I’m amazed! This was supposed to be Pastor Ulf’s sermon and though I recorded it down, I was able to have revelations. I went for two services and this was only the first service I attended. I hope that whoever read this message, will be blessed. Do let me know…

Email me: calvin.othniel@gmail.com


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